Thank you for your question. You are right to say that this unacceptable and that these crimes continue to go unpunished. Indeed, we have come to provide evidence that they continue to go unpunished. We have tons of documents on this. If MONUC withdraws, it will be a disaster; it is as simple as that. We do not think this is the time to let MONUC leave, because we are talking about a country where the armies are going around raping, killing and massacring. There are reports on this. In terms of violence against women, we have brought with us a report by Human Rights Watch. That is made clear in the report.
Along the same lines, I would say that we have an army crossing the border. There is violence occurring, and we are doing everything we can to identify the perpetrators. That report identifies the perpetrators of this violence. They are part of the Congolese army, the FARDC. However, the Rwandan army has been crossing the borders since 1996. This has resulted in 16 deaths. From the perspective of the Congolese army, this violence is one more weapon of warfare. The plan is to rape and infect women with AIDS in order to wipe out the population and make room for the overflow Rwandan population. Imagine, a government that would ask for that to be done, when there is no army, and when members of the Rwandan army have joined the official army. It would be as though Canada was at war against a country and citizens of that country joined the Canadian army. Can that be happening?