--should not be touched.
I think it's important for our societies to really dig into what our culture says in order to reinforce universal standards with traditional cultural variance, which I consider to be critically important in sustaining a society that is rooted.
Now, why are we failing? The question there is, again, we are putting emphasis on military responses to a situation that massively also needs, as I said before, a shift towards peace.
Now, MONUC is as mandated as any UN force to protect civilians, and they are doing the best they can, even exposing themselves sometimes to danger in the protection of civilians. But clearly it is proving that it's not adequate, it's not enough. We are not able to do what needs to be done. That's why I think that we should intensify the peace process and bring an end to the conflict in a comprehensive way.
Many of the armed groups that are there, you could label them, and you'd be right in labelling them, as terrorists. But even LRA, which is known to be a terrorist organization... Northern Uganda had problems that needed to be addressed and from which LRA originated. You go to the Tutsi refugees in DRC, people are afraid to go back because they committed genocide, and they are apprehensive that if they go back they may be victims of it. That applies to Tutsi organizations who feel that they have to protect themselves because of the history of genocide in the whole region.
We have to have a comprehensive approach that involves the countries of the region. It is ongoing, efforts are being made, but I do believe they also need support from the international community.