Thank you.
You mentioned packaged interventions. For so many of these things, actually, you can do a little piece here and a little piece there, but if you roll them together, they can really have a much greater impact. One of the things the ministers picked up on was safe drinking water and sanitation as well as nutrition. I know that CIDA does a lot of good work making sure that clean drinking water is available. I am also aware of areas that are devastated by AIDS. A lot of children are growing up without parents for this reason. But I know that in some areas where they work with orphanages and they get these kids on good nutritional diets, fortified with a good mix of vitamins and minerals--these kids may test HIV-positive but they're not active-AIDS kids--they grow up very normally.
I wonder if you would care to comment on any of that work CIDA is doing in those areas.