Let me just say that I've tried to understand. I was asking Ms. Biggs a question the last time to clarify what the Canadian policy is, and because of the miracle of communication today, a blog from Mr. Wherry at Maclean's magazine said he was trying to get clarity as well and apparently discussed this with somebody on Ms. Oda's staff, who said that “CIDA does not and has not itemized the spectrum of medical interventions performed by every one of these organizations”--every one of these organizations being all the organizations: hospital systems, national health care systems, clinics of various kinds, which are already funded by CIDA and will continue to be funded by CIDA. What I'm trying to clarify is, is it your understanding that this funding by CIDA, which is in place and which indirectly funds abortion services, will continue?
To recall the debate, Mr. Chair, the reason we had a discussion was that when Minister Cannon was in front of us and I asked him a question, he said family planning was not on the list. Then he clarified it and said it was. Mr. Abbott said in the House that it could be on the list.
It's important for us to be clear, to understand exactly what we're talking about here just so Canadians will know what's taking place. The policy of the Government of Canada agency called CIDA is that it does fund access to abortion indirectly--not directly, but indirectly--because it provides budget funding and provides funding for hospital services.
This conversation says today--the one I just read out--that CIDA does not and will not go through the list of hospitals and say they'll fund this, they won't fund that. They don't do that. They block-fund. It's the same way the federal government does for the provinces. The federal government doesn't tell the provinces they can fund this, they can't fund that. The debate has not come to that point in Canada.
I'm just saying this because I want to get some clarity here. Sometimes I hear from people.... Ms. Vandenberg and I have had a conversation about this, and I don't think I'm giving away any confidences when I say there is a concern that somehow the whole initiative is going to be derailed by this debate. Let me just say on behalf of my party--and to say we're here today--that initiative will not be derailed by this debate. This initiative is a good initiative. The initiative to focus on maternal and child care is a necessary initiative for the world. This initiative will not be derailed by the debate. But we should also try to understand exactly what our government is committed to, as you understand it, and is not committed to, as you understand it.
Perhaps I can ask any one of you, because I know you all have slightly different views and slightly different mandates with respect to your own organizational positions, and I respect that completely. We live in a society in which people do have different opinions, and charities will have different views as to what should be done. That has to be respected.
Do you understand this as I understand it, which is to say CIDA has its policy, and that policy will not change? The government is not asking CIDA to change its policy. The new initiative is going to focus on a range of things, which will not include abortion, but to be very blunt, that was never part of the plan anyway, because that's not where one would get access to these services in any event.
Is that a fair description, Mr. Fox? I'm looking at you a little bit, though Ms. Chiesa or anyone else who would like to respond.... I'd appreciate a response.