Mr. Pearson, with regard to what's killing women, there's hypertension or eclampsia, as you may have heard.
There's also postpartum hemorrhage. That's when the placenta is delivered and it's not completely taken out of the uterus. Part remains behind, and a woman bleeds to death after labour.
There's obstructed labour. When you have 14-year-old children having babies, their pelvises are often too small and the baby gets stuck. If a woman doesn't have access to health care resources, she will die with that child in the birth canal.
In terms of post-abortion services, where legal, when they are done in unsafe conditions, many women will die, possibly because of a postpartum hemorrhage, possibly because it was done when it shouldn't have been done by somebody who was unqualified and causes greater morbidity and ultimately mortality.
Then there's a whole host of unexpected others. As we know, 15% of all pregnancies will become emergency status at the time of delivery. This is why we all—the SOGC, the PMNCH, and all of our coalition—keep talking about the need for skilled assistance at birth. They are the only ones who can make a difference. Trained birth attendants haven't, and cannot. You need to have people skilled and equipped and ready to deal with it on the ground.