Thank you for appearing here. I really appreciated that video too. I think that filled in a lot of the missing comments from your introductory remarks.
I want to make a short comment here for Svend.
We ran into each other at the OSCE some two years ago, and I was impressed with the way you were working the room there. My comment is relative to the 56 countries represented there, and the 300 MPs. I'm sure you had time to meet each and every one of them, and that's a powerful forum for contributing to a global effort like this.
Certainly it is every country's, every person's, responsibility to try to help out where they can. I noted what my colleague was saying about the $20 billion. Canada, as you say, has contributed some $1 billion towards it, which is well above the average in terms of population of countries that have participated in it. I'll also add that when we first entered into this, back down the road, our dollar was probably 80 cents on the dollar. Now it's at par, so that's an additional benefit.
I think the fact that our Prime Minister is going into this combined G-8 and G-20 meeting and putting additional focus and attention on maternal and health care, in addition to what we're already doing, bodes well for the future too.
With reference to your comments in the video here, I think it's very important to emphasize that this not only helps in terms of human needs, but that the improved health of the people also allows human endeavour and human initiative to appreciate as well. Do you have any statistics on how this is manifesting itself? Is there some comment you could make as to how this is improving the lives of people?