They're voluntary until they're written into the covenants of the loans. They're voluntary in the sense that companies agree to use them, but when they do, they write them into the covenants of the loans. They will not lend for projects where companies do not have in place environmental, social, and human rights review policies. So the term “voluntary” has to be understood. The companies voluntarily agree to take them and agree to use them. When they do, they are bound by them in the projects and grants that they have.
The companies or people who are directly affected or directly impacted—not anyone who happens to walk in off the street—have recourse to procedures that are in place with the banks and with the companies to address this. That's part of the genius of the Equator Principles: the private sector taking this upon itself to implement it.
Again, there are some 40 banks and multilateral financial institutions and credit agencies--I forget how many--that are on board for this. It's an incredibly, incredibly effective tool that impacts everyone who is getting money from commercial capital markets, which impacts quite a few companies.