Ms. George, it had been mentioned in some papers that I have from Perrin Beatty, and it is my understanding as well, that your Canadian Chamber of Commerce has been an active player in Canada's contribution to the development of the ISO 26000 guidance on social responsibility. To understand the importance of this, there was a comment made previously that to voluntarily comply to certain standards is problematic, but ISO 9000 is known internationally and worldwide as a very desirable standard for businesses that can be lucky enough to subscribe to it and gain that listing. It is a credential for business dealing that is very well respected internationally. Should they develop this same standard for the ISO 26000, I'm sure that even though it's voluntary, by and large, it will be a good and marketable standard for a corporation to have.
Maybe you could comment on that, and also on where that ISO 26000 standard is at present. Would this not be, even at a preliminary stage, information that this committee should be apprised of, in order to know the direction they're going and so that we're not all, at the end of the day, in contradiction with this standard in this bill?