I believe there are two distinct differences between the Canadian counsellor and what is proposed under Bill C-300. One is that the counsellor hasn't actually got, within the scope of what she is undertaking, a requirement to articulate what the guidelines are the company would be required to abide by. The second is that the investigative mechanism that the counsellor has is without any capacity to compel the production of documents or testimony from a company, whereas certainly in relation to what Bill C-300 proposes, due to the relationship and the significant dependence that a lot of Canadian companies have on public support, there would at the very least be a significant basis for a lot of companies to comply with requests from the minister in relation to the production of documents and other testimony.
So where the counsellor has only the capacity, on a voluntary basis, to engage if a company wants to be engaged in a dispute resolution process, the ministers under Bill C-300 would have a fact-finding capacity and would also have the capacity to ensure that there is some follow-up, if they find that the way in which a company has behaved falls short of the guidelines.