Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thanks to all of you for coming here.
You know, we all watch the Law and Orders and those sorts of things, and every once in a while--usually inevitably--at the end of the program, something happens and a criminal gets off on a technicality. You're left to wonder how that could ever happen. Well, it's because of the law of unintended consequences when a law is put in place.
I think you alluded to that, too.
I want to go back a bit; this is just a little history lesson, although I don't claim to be an expert in this field. I remember the Sudan--I want to think about that for a second--back in the eighties, prior to that. Ethiopia at that time was under the sphere of the Soviet Union. They were exporting the revolution, and that just got taken...
Glen probably knows this a little better than I do, but the Sudan, which was a backward African country that tribal.... It just turned into a hellhole, quite frankly. So now the Russians are gone and they're left with this mess. Into that we saw a company--Talisman--set up and try to do business in that kind of unstable environment.
We know the history and what happened since. Talisman is gone and the Chinese are there.
Ms. Simons, I'm wondering, have you followed up on the Chinese lately? Have you followed up to see just how they're doing as far as some of those human rights and...?