I think you're right. There was a huge campaign. As you've said, it did divide people and it did have a negative impact. Had we had standards in place beforehand, like the ones that we have in Bill C-300, and some sort of mechanism to investigate these things, it could have been dealt with in a much different way.
Talisman would have had guidelines on how to deal with it. If they had decided to go in, as they did, and what happened had happened, I think it would have been concluded that it was not a good investment and that there was no way you could go in there and not be complicit in the human rights abuses that were going on. I think that if there had been a regulatory mechanism to prevent that type of engagement in the first place, to give companies that got into situations guidance about what they needed to do, and to provide for some sort of complaints mechanism, it would have completely changed the impact on Canadian society.