Second, Mr. Chair, in its testimony, Barrick stated in regard to the police that “There has never been restricted access to the mine site”, and that our October 2009 testimony that police “indicated that their investigative efforts have been hampered by PJV security” is “simply untrue”. Barrick also stated that crimes on mine property are reported to the police and that “...PJV would conduct its own investigation...”.
In our written submission, we included documents authored by a police investigator claiming that he had been prevented from accessing the mine and obtaining the time sheets and duty rosters he requested. We spoke with this individual and showed him the documents. He personally authenticated the documents in our presence. Other police officers have similarly told us that they have been hampered from investigating and having access.
This clearly indicates the need for a thorough and independent—and I stress independent—investigation. To the extent that Barrick conducts its own investigations, they have thus far been done in an opaque manner. Barrick should release information on the nature and outcomes of its internal inquiries, information on how many guards were disciplined or dismissed, and for what reasons, and information on whether guards were referred for criminal prosecution.
Third and finally, there is the issue of abuses since 2006--in particular, killings. Barrick stated that “...there have been no fatal shootings by Porgera security personnel” since 2006. First, it's unclear what Barrick means by “security personnel”. However, the existence of witness statements, together with the previously referenced autopsy and police reports on the 2006 to 2008 period and killings, as included in our prior submissions, bring Barrick's statement into question and reinforce again the need for an independent investigation.
In conclusion, Barrick's responses to the serious allegations of gang rapes and killings since 2006, and the inadequacy of both government and corporate investigations to date demonstrate, as previously testified, that there's a vital need for a bill like Bill C-300.
We also strongly believe that human rights standards and the voluntary principles, as referenced in the bill, do give specific guidance that is clear and manageable for companies and adjudicators considering allegations. An alleged abuser cannot police itself, and there must be genuine independent investigation into allegations of human rights abuses.