We have not rolled over and accepted all of this. We have filed charges against some of the perpetrators. We have gone to the Government of El Salvador. I've worked closely with the American embassy over the last five years and kept in constant contact with them. So we haven't rolled over.
I described this sort of assault on the eye care NGO program, where we were trying to provide eye care. We document everything, and we've been trying to get video documents of some of these violent exchanges. But every time, the first thing they do is destroy the cameras. In this incident, we filed charges for assault and kidnapping. But the only charge that stuck was for the destruction of the camera. Witness testimony in the court system of El Salvador is basically not used. So when it comes down to one witness versus the other, it's a flip of the coin in the courts. Plus, our witnesses were intimidated to the point where they wouldn't testify anyway.