Thank you very much for appearing here today.
This story is certainly one, I think, in which Canadians can be proud that we played a constructive role in the crisis down there. It was part of our policy to engage in the Americas, and I think that the minister can justifiably.... I would certainly like to express appreciation of the personal role that you took in shuttling back and forth and playing a significant role in that country.
The questions I have relate to the truth and reconciliation commission—just about the term. How much time do they have to accomplish their objectives?
There's also mention of the OAS Secretary General's high-level commission. Did they set up a commission on a similar level? You mentioned this, perhaps in relation to Francine Lalonde's question. I wanted to ask about that.
Perhaps also, if you wouldn't mind, you could tell us a little bit more about this particular individual, our Canadian there, Michael Kergin. .