Thank you very much.
Yes. As I mentioned in my opening remarks, not all the member countries of the OAS are prepared quite yet to accept and recognize the new government of President Lobo. Canada understands that reluctance. Those countries, including the ALBA countries, including the countries of Mercosur, want not only the promises that President Lobo has made to address and change, to lay out the facts and truths of what happened, but also to move to achieve reconciliation of a very divided country—a country that remains exceptionally divided. Many of these countries are countries that themselves were traumatized over past decades by military coups. They don't want to see the page simply turn. They don't want the OAS to simply move on now, because there are unresolved issues.
Canada agrees. We think the truth commission is an important first step. I believe the agreement by all OAS members, consensus last week in Lima, Peru, to strike a new mission to go to Tegucigalpa to talk with the new government of Tegucigalpa and civil society, and then to visit the capitals of those countries that have lingering concerns, will provide us with the formula to move forward—sooner, we hope, but certainly within the next few months.
Canada believes that the lifting of the suspension and the reintegration of Honduras is in the best interests of the people of Honduras and will allow the international community to more fully engage in terms of development assistance, human rights oversight and participation, and encouragement of the judicial process to mete out justice.
Once the truth commission renders its findings, although it will be a cold document in the sense that there will not be blame-placing, if it provides information that the government can act upon, they will act.