It's a very good question.
Actually, I was there a couple of months ago. Besides holding talks with President Lobo, his foreign minister, and the attorney general, I made a point of visiting two of the larger Canadian mining operations there. They have not taken sides in this. They have stayed on the sidelines, with concern, great concern. I'm very....
The sites I visited reflect the model behaviour—it's fair to say—of Canadian extractive industry representatives of Canadian companies throughout the Americas. They were pristine sites. They were sites that employed thousands of workers and supported thousands more in the two communities surrounding the mines.
In the remediation of the open-pit mine—one of them was an open-pit mine, one was conventional underground—and the environmental operations, the sensitivities were clear. In both of these communities, they've built roads, they've built clinics, and they've built schools.
If they have any concern at all—and I know that one of these companies met with President Lobo's government recently—it is that the central government of Honduras must engage to a greater degree in terms of the communities around the mining operations, not to simply allow, in our case, the Canadian companies to run schools, health care, transportation, infrastructure, and so forth, but for the government itself to engage.
And there is concern among some Canadian companies that when their mines have run their courses, when all of the minerals, whether base metals or gold, are extracted, that when they leave they will be tarred with the accusation that they're leaving communities in disrepair and unsupported. And the concern of these particular mines is that the government must engage and accept the responsibility that this is a.... It's a sustainable operation, but only for a period of time. The mines come, they remediate, they return the earth to its proper state, but then they leave.
So if there is a concern, that is the concern. But I'm quite convinced that they have not engaged in taking political sides in this in the past year.