Thank you very much for mentioning that.
Regarding the communication between women, it's very important to bring women together. So far, we are doing that with difficulty. Before signing the CPA, we did that outside Sudan with the support of the Netherlands embassy regarding the Sudanese Women Empowerment for Peace. They met in Nairobi several times. They met in Addis Ababa. They met in Asmara. They met in Cairo. They met in The Hague, because it was difficult for the southerners to come to Khartoum to meet with women from the north. The first joint meeting after signing the CPA was conducted in 2007. That was the first time they met in Khartoum.
I don't know how the situation is going to be after the referendum. We might need to meet outside, as it used to be in the past. We would really appreciate the support of the Canadian government to facilitate that. That would be good support, and we would really appreciate that.
The other thing is to allocate funds for civil society organizations, especially for women's groups, and to consider their capacity. I think that also is going to be a great help. To keep on having meetings like that is also something. Yes, I'm here working on behalf of civil society, but I'm sure that there are so many great women who might do a better job than what I'm doing, much better, if they got the chance, like my colleague, who couldn't get a visa to attend this meeting with me, and she left me all alone. There are so many great women in Sudan. If we can just get the chance to make our voices heard, just to let you know what we've been through, that would also be something. Maybe there could be a forum between the Canadian government and the civil society every other year to address the issues, the needs, and the priorities. This would be a great help, and we would really appreciate it.
Thank you very much.