Yes. Definitely this will be a great chance to lobby for these issues.
The problem with it is that they need support, and of course they need access. The media are controlled by the regime, so with the limited space that we have we try our best to send our message. Even with the newspapers.... Actually, they monitor all the newspapers, and if anything is written that they don't agree with, they stop the newspaper's being issued the day after. These are all constraints, but we try our best to do what we can do.
The women's agenda is another example to show how women can come together. Women from south Sudan had their own agenda. And then in our organization, because we had a draft but we didn't have a final one, we facilitated a round-table meeting and brought women from the north and women from the south together to have one agenda. After we finished with that, with the support of UNIFEM, they put these two together and they brought women from Darfur and from the east of Sudan. So by the end of the day, the one agenda that we have is actually for all women of Sudan: north, east, Darfur, and the south of the Sudan.
This is an example of how women can come together and put their needs and their priorities together and work together.