As I mentioned, our organization actually has two sectors: north and south. But at the end of the day, they are a group of civil society organizations.
Our main role is to lobby and to advocate. We are not decision-makers. We give the government our advice, if they take it, or we lobby for some specific issue. We don't have enough power to actually decide on things.
The referendum we are preparing for this conference is mainly going to ask for peaceful, non-violent processes, and win a standpoint for the women of Sudan on that.
The issues you mentioned regarding the challenges that might appear after the referendum are still valid. We are a civil society. We are questioning, the same as you are. We really don't know how the governments of north Sudan or south Sudan are going to deal with them, so we are mentioning the issues as problems that will appear. But we don't know. We really don't know how they are going to deal with these problems. It's not clear yet.