Thank you very much.
Regarding the point that you mentioned at the beginning about the CPA, the comprehensive peace agreement, yes, I agree with you that the CPA was not implemented in the way it should be.
We all hope the referendum will be transparent. I'm sure there will be observers from the international community and I hope it will be open and transparent. I won't be surprised if something appears from the regime. Now they are starting to send messages in the media and in newsletters telling youth to be ready for war. They are saying the war is coming back again. But I heard positive comments regarding this from other people. They were actually asking, “What war? What is the regime trying to say? We are not going to war again; we've had enough.” So they are preparing people for something. As I said, people don't want to go to war any more.
Regarding the space for NGOs to operate, as I was just saying, it's very difficult and we have a lot of challenges. But there is an interesting point here: especially after the case of the ICC, the regime is putting more restrictions on NGOs. But this could play to both sides. If you don't have anything to worry about, why are you restricting NGOs from their work?
Globally civil society supports the government. They think the government cannot raise awareness, so they complement each other. There is no harm. But if you put restrictions and constraints on civil society, that means you have something you don't want people to know about. This in itself is the proof.
We are not going to stop. We will continue. Actually we are increasing, not decreasing, with all these difficulties. Sometimes the regimes feel ashamed of what they are doing, so they try something. But when they find we lobby for it and we make it big and the international community knows about it, they stop for a while. So they want to do it, but what you are doing is the main thing that is stopping them from continuing. So they start and then they stop.
We will continue, and I hope you will continue as well.