Thank you, Chairman, and thanks to the member for, I think, some important questions.
First of all, I'll touch on the border, then I think my colleague would like to add to that.
These borders are porous, both between north and south Sudan and with the neighbours as well. This is a reality in much of Africa, I would say. In some cases, the notion of citizenship is also much looser than we might think of here in Canada.
I think I pointed out that with respect to the referendum in Abyei, this issue of registration for voting and who is entitled to vote and citizenship has been quite an issue, because many of these people are nomadic. So the question of residency is an issue as well.
Canada has been involved in supporting preparations for the referendum. The intention is that we would participate in an EU-led monitoring mission that would oversee the referendum.
Perhaps my colleagues would like to add just a little bit more information.