Thank you for your question.
There are a number of important issues that the honourable member has raised. In the first instance, I just would like to say that Canada's assistance has been directed all across Sudan, in all parts of the country, so I don't think we've tried to favour one region over another. But I think the honourable member makes a very valid point that the results of the referendum will be critical. In a sense, it's what happens in the aftermath. That's why we've been working so hard with all of the parties to encourage them to work out arrangements in advance to negotiate all of these issues related to resources, citizenship, sharing of debt, and these kinds of questions so that whatever the outcome of the referendum, these things can be managed in an organized way.
It would be very difficult to speculate on what the reactions of some of the neighbouring countries might be post-referendum, but certainly our sense is that clearly the neighbours are also concerned about the outcome and that they too will want to see solutions that contribute to peace and security in the region, rather than the opposite.
I don't know if my colleagues have anything to add to that.