Let me state at the very beginning that the security of Canadians, whether it's at home or abroad, is affected by what happens beyond our borders. Our security depends on our ability to address, with partner countries, threats and conflicts, terrorism, nuclear proliferation, organized crime, and illicit trafficking of drugs and people.
The G8 brings together a group of nations that have a proven track record of accomplishment on peace and security issues, and I don't think there's any substitute for that. The G8 members are committed to using their influence and their resources to try to ensure a safer and more secure world for all.
I'll be raising three priorities with my colleagues in Gatineau on March 29 and 30. First of all is nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament, as well as the Afghanistan-Pakistan issue and the issue of security vulnerabilities.
On the nuclear proliferation and disarmament issue, my goal is to set the stage for a positive outcome to the upcoming review conference for the non-proliferation review that will take place in May of this year.
I'll also discuss with my partners the way forward to stop Iran's nuclear fuel enrichment activities and to convince Iranian authorities to come back to the table; at least, we will attempt to do that and have discussions around that issue.
I'll be raising the issue of the DPRK, North Korea, which pursues its nuclear program despite being in contravention of its international commitments.
On Afghanistan, colleagues, we will discuss how we can help ensure that President Karzai delivers on the promises he made at the January conference on Afghanistan in London to take responsibility for security, basic services, and governance across the country.
I'd also note that many countries are not able to deal with security challenges faced from conflict, disaster, terrorism, crime, and trafficking of illicit drugs and people. All the G8 partners have different programs to help countries and regional institutions to address these challenges, from peacekeeping and beyond, but what we want to be able to do here is to see how we can be more effective and more efficient in the way we use these programs and tools in countering security vulnerabilities.
Those goals, in a nutshell, are what we want to achieve.