Let me first and foremost state that I agree with you in terms of the overall mandate, Mr. Rafferty. You're absolutely right, the obvious task here is to be able to promote democratic development and to advocate and defend human rights also in cooperation with civil society and governments in Canada and abroad. Rights and Democracy initiates and supports programs to strengthen laws and democratic institutions principally in developing countries. You're asking me my opinion on whether or not I agree with this, and obviously I agree with the work that's being done there.
But when you read the law, you will note that it's an arm's-length organization. This committee obviously has all of the power. You convened the organization to meet with you on October 29, 2009. You had the opportunity to ask all the questions, and I understand that you will be asking questions of this organization in the coming weeks. Certainly I encourage you to do that.
If this committee deems necessary, at the end of all of that, to review the legislation and make some suggestions, I will be very pleased to entertain those suggestions and recommendations.