I call the meeting to order.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), we are continuing our study of the implications and ramifications of the referendum in Sudan.
I want to welcome everyone to meeting 30. The delay today is actually my fault. I did not communicate that we were maybe going to have the other witness come for the second half, and he's on his way, so I thought we'd just delay it a bit.
We're going to start with your opening statements, gentlemen, and then, by that time, the other witness will be here and we'll hear from him. As opposed to taking two separate hours, we can do all of this in just over an hour or so.
I want to welcome John Lewis, the program coordinator of human rights for KAIROS, as well as James Davis, the program coordinator for Africa Partnerships for the same organization.
Gentlemen, thank you for being here today. We're going to turn the floor over to you for your opening statement. I believe you're going to share some time, about 10 minutes. Hopefully, by then our other witness will have arrived and we'll have a chance to hear from him, and then, as you know, the way things work around here is that we'll go around the room and ask some questions and do some follow-up.
I don't know who's going to start first.
Mr. Davis, why don't we turn the floor over to you. We welcome your comments.