Fascinating testimony here. I really like the idea about the retired pool of resources that's there.
Can I bring out a theoretical situation? We've been studying Sudan here as a committee. Many of us have been to Sudan many times, and what they've called for, even during the time of their civil war, was a better understanding of federalism, how you keep all of these various factions together that are quite divided. Part of the problem is that they're looking at political solutions, so when you try to talk to them about a civil service and building that up, it's a rare thing for them to understand. They continue to look at it politically.
Because the referendum is coming up, and let's say it goes as people presume and South Sudan becomes the world's newest country and it wishes support on this...do you have a capacity for a country that large? Let's say in South Sudan you have eight or nine million people. I'm wondering what your capacity would be if all of a sudden a request came from the Government of South Sudan to help them build a civil service. That's a pretty onerous charge, and I would just be interested to know what kind of capacity you have, if you have that, or if you could fulfill it.