There are so many development organizations working in Haiti. So that's a good question.
I know that in most countries there is some level of donor coordination. All the donors from all countries have periodic meetings to exchange information about work they are doing so they can try not to duplicate.
In terms of the Canadian organizations, again, I know that the Canadian embassy in Haiti keeps track of all the assistance that goes in from Canada, and they try to avoid duplication. This is why, as I mentioned before, in many cases they're encouraging the organizations to work together and to form consortiums so that they complement--not duplicate--each other.
I know that donor coordination is difficult in most cases in any case, especially with different countries, but at least from a Canadian perspective there's a CIDA officer in the Canadian embassy in Port-au-Prince who keeps track of all the Canadian assistance that goes in. Obviously he tries to ensure that there's no duplication in Haiti.