We get funding from CIDA. We also get funding from other donor agencies--DFID, the donor agency in the U.K., the European Union, IDB, and different kinds of agencies--and then we have our own professional training programs.
To answer your question about Mongolia and how you choose, you basically choose just like any other business. I don't know about your experience, but it's what your relative strengths are, who you have who can do specific things, and where the demand is for that kind of work. Then you look around for different donors or different governments or even at the private sector for those who are looking for those kinds of services.
In the case of Mongolia, we had a project in China and we had a project in Russia. There was some interest a few years ago in Mongolia, so while we were in China...as his predecessor said, “Once you're in Beijing, it's like going to Toronto”. I said, “Yes, it is an hour and a half away from Beijing, once you get there”.
So while you're working on existing projects, you do some business development looking at other areas, and then you try to find out who has some funding to do those kinds of things. That's how you end up in different places.