Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), our study on the effectiveness and viability of public service partnerships between nations, we'll commence.
Initially, I want to welcome all our guests.
I want to welcome the ambassador from Mongolia.
Thank you very much for being here today, sir.
We'll get started in a second, but I also want to introduce Gale Lee, who is vice-president of international services with an organization called Canadian Executive Service Organization.
Welcome, Gale.
I'd also like to introduce Phil Rourke, who is the executive director with the Centre for Trade Policy and Law.
Thank you very much, and welcome.
What I want to do is combine both sessions here, because there are a lot of things we need to cover off. We appreciate your flexibility for us being able to do that.
I'm going to ask the ambassador for his opening remarks, and we do have a video to show people from the Minister of Natural Resources and Energy from the Mongolian Parliament, as well as the head of the civil service of Mongolia.
We're going to ask you to say a few words, Ambassador. We'll do the video and then we'll come back and have your comments. Then we'll do the questions around the whole table, and we'll take as long as we need to do that, whether that's going to be two hours, an hour and a half, or an hour and 45 minutes.
Ambassador, I'll ask you for a couple of opening remarks, we'll go to the video, and then we'll come back to Ms. Lee and then to Mr. Rourke.
Ambassador, the floor is yours.