Looking forward, not only in terms of women, but also in terms of general outreach to the population, what the Carter Center has noted in its observations, both during the elections and during the referendum thus far, is that the levels of voter information and voter education have been extremely low. There does need to be increased voter information, perhaps through women's groups, targeted at communities in both the north and the south. As far as we have noted thus far, there's little understanding of the eligibility requirements in the north for both men and women, and we'd really like to see a fair increase in voter education across the board.
As part of the observation, we are also tracking statistics on the number of women who are part of the registration staff. We noticed during the election that a fair number of the registration and polling staff were men, particularly those with the senior positions within the registration and voting authorities. We'd like to see an increase in the representation of women in those local bodies and regional authorities, and we are tracking numbers on that through the referendum as our observers are in the registration sites.