Thank you very much for taking the time to come.
We also have, from our Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Donald Bobiash, director general of the Africa Bureau. Welcome back, sir.
We have Douglas Scott Proudfoot, director of the Sudan Task Force. Welcome back.
And then from CIDA, we have Philip Baker, acting regional director general for southern and eastern Africa. Welcome to you, sir, as well.
I think we'll start with the Carter Center, since they're the furthest away. We'll give them a chance to make some opening comments. I believe, Ms. Johnson, you both have comments, so why don't you start. Then if you want to pass it to your colleague, we can have those comments. Then we'll have comments from our members here, our witnesses here, and then start, as we normally do, with questions.
As long as you guys can stay on the phone, that will be great. I know that probably at some point you'll want to retire for the evening, but we appreciate you taking the time in Khartoum to meet with us via phone today.
I'll turn it over to you, Ms. Johnson. If you have some opening remarks, we'd love to hear from you.