As you know, Mr. Rae, there is a thorough process at CIDA, and CIDA has been operating under certain procedures and processes using certain guidelines. As a new government, we are also putting in new priorities, new principles, for how we use our international assistance. I would say that CIDA staff in the department certainly did its job. However, you can also appreciate that the ultimate decision is made by the minister, and the minister does have that responsibility not only to endorse recommendations coming out of any department, but also to use his or her own judgment in every case.
Consequently, one of the values that our government wants to ensure is that our development dollars are going to have an impact and make a difference in the lives of those who are living in poverty or who are in need. They're also going to be utilized and maximized in the value of our aid dollars in country, where they are.
When I looked at the overview of how we can support Canadian organizations to do work in developing countries, the decision on my part was not to fund KAIROS but to continue funding organizations such as the Primate's World Relief and Development Fund, which is working in Bangladesh, Mozambique, Burundi, and Tanzania; the Mennonite Central Committee, working in 16 countries; the United Church of Canada, working in nine developing countries; the Canadian Lutheran World Relief, working in India, Mozambique, Zambia, Bolivia, and Peru; the Presbyterian World Service and Development Organization, helping with HIV/AIDS patients in Malawi; the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee, helping the rural poor in Bangladesh--