What we want to do is move out of doing only grants. In the case of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, it was in fact discussed at length in the Deloitte report. We're not going to leave all grants apart, but we are still going to do some grants.
You know, when you go to an international donor, you say, “I have core funding”. Peer organizations don't have this advantage of having core funding that you give us. You go to the Swedish CIDA, or you go to the Norwegians, and you say, for example, that we have a good project here for helping civil society and citizens and for doing town hall meetings in Haiti, and if you want to give us some money, we can put some money into it, because we have core funding. We'll put in $200,000, and they'll put in a million. Peer organizations don't have this capacity. That's where we have an advantage. That's where I want to lead.