Welcome to our committee.
You will certainly find that there is support for your initiative among members of our committee from all parties. I think that the unanimous vote of December 7, 2010 well illustrates this support.
However, I am wondering how this could translate in concrete actions and what leadership role Canada could play. In fact, I suppose that you wish a stronger leadership role for Canada at this preparatory conference of 2012.
When we think historically, we should never forget that in 1963, Canada sold its first CANDU reactor to India and that India, in 1974, misused Canadian technology to proceed to its first nuclear test.
Furthermore, if I am not mistaken, in 2008, Canada signed a nuclear cooperation agreement in order to sell CANDU reactors to India, a country which has not voluntarily adhered to the Nuclear Armament Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Consequently, is Canada really well positioned to play a leadership role given that it signed a cooperation agreement with India, a country which voluntarily refuses to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty?
Is there not a contradiction in this?