I take your point. I'm certainly not defending any mis-actions, or whatever, within the UN, which is a big institution. I'm only saying that we cannot wait until we have perfect peace in the regions before addressing the paramount problem, which is instigating or producing more insecurity in the world.
China is the one state of the P5 that has voted for a nuclear weapons convention at the UN. On the question of cooperation on every subject, we have to deal with the development of the rule of law globally. That's the only way the world and globalization can proceed. And I think China, with respect to its arms and nuclear disarmament, will participate in a way that would enable global negotiations to go forward.
On Iran, nobody wants Iran to get nuclear weapons. But if we're going to stop the Irans of the world from getting nuclear weapons.... I think Mr. Rae pointed out that were they to get one, other Arab leaders would be afraid they would have to start moving down that track also. Therefore, you'd have an outbreak of proliferation in the Middle East. So Iran has to be stopped. But the only real way to stop Iran is to draw it into diplomatic negotiations that would lead to a nuclear weapons convention under law and verification. I think that's the way to go forward.