I will attempt to answer those three questions.
The first question has to do with the organizations. Within the Middle East there is a dispute among many players, unfortunately, about the existence of the State of Israel. It's the only state in the United Nations whose very existence is under threat.
There are many states that don't recognize it and engage in a very active campaign in demonization and delegitimization in order to further their goal of the destruction of the State of Israel, including two of the three organizations--Al-Haq and Al Mezan.
I appreciate your reading from the report of Amnesty International. I myself have written a book on this issue called Aftershock: Anti-Zionism & Antisemitism, which I've brought. I invite you to read it, and you will see in detail what the concerns are and why I have trouble with these organizations.
On why the bureau was closed, I must confess that I like the answer of Jacques Gauthier, which I thought was very good and very thorough, but there's something substantive at issue here as well. That bureau was mostly helping NGOs from third world countries come to participate in the universal periodic review of the Human Rights Council--as well as to liaise with other NGOs and the human rights secretariat, but their hands-on work was that.
I have been to the universal periodic review a couple of times about Iran and China. It's a very problematic process, and I don't think it's a good use of public money. I can't get into Iran or China, but it makes little sense to get NGOs that can actually work in those countries to leave those countries to participate in the universal periodic review where they can't speak. Only governments can speak. The NGOs can only meet with governments, and most of the governments they meet with can't speak either because there's a time limit. Only 60 states out of 192 are allowed to speak, and there's a rush of violators to the microphone in order to provide immunity to the states under scrutiny. So most of the rights-promoting states don't even get to the microphone. It's just not a good use of money.
There is a third question I was going to move on to, but...
Do you have any other questions?