With regard to the first part of your question, there appears to be a similar pattern in a number of organizations, not only at Rights and Democracy. I myself am associated with Kairos with respect to aboriginal issues. That organization, along with Alternatives in Montreal, has more or less the same problem in terms of its Middle East policy.
There are other organizations that I'm aware of. There's a case regarding aboriginal peoples, with respect to aboriginal children, before the Canadian Human Rights Commission, and it is being delayed over and over. Your comments I find are ringing true that what's happening at Rights and Democracy is happening in other places as well with respect to women's organizations and so on.
With respect to international comment, it's interesting. David Matas, in his famous statement on Ezra Levant's blog, accused those who made the grants to these three groups in the Middle East of being ignorant—it was very condescending, his language—of what is going on in the Middle East. In other words, they didn't know what they were doing. Recently, about three or four weeks later, we had a statement made by the leader of B'Tselem saying that those at Rights and Democracy who have repudiated the grants were the ones who were ignorant of what was really going on in Israel and the Middle East.
There was also a statement signed by about six or seven more human rights organizations in Israel and the Palestinian territories criticizing the decision. There was a letter signed by over 100 lawyers and professors in Canada condemning the situation. There was Mr. Schabas, who is a Canadian but is now head of the human rights body in Ireland. There's already been a lot of comment internationally about this, and it's certainly not helping our reputation as a human rights organization.