Let me give you an example that kind of pulls this all together, and it's to do with clean water. I was involved with a project with a company in exploration in Tanzania. Part of that process was looking at what we could do for community development. Water was an issue, and the exploration manager immediately budgeted to drill some wells and wanted to rush out to start drilling wells immediately.
We pulled that back and started to have conversations with the communities about this concept and to work with them to basically build the capacity for them to actually own these projects moving forward.
In the end we were just a partner in that process. They decided where the well was going to go, what it was going to be like, and what the construction materials were going to be. They were actually the project manager of that process. At the end of the day, they mustered the resources to contribute to that. They brought in stones, etc. They were definitely a part of it. So at the end of the day it was their project, not the company's project, and those wells still stand the test of time because it was their project.
From that experience, they started to look at other business opportunities. They now understood how to deal with government. They now knew how to deal with other companies. It was their opportunity to leverage that experience for other opportunities.