As this committee well knows, in addition to massive encouragement and the massive increase in ODA, remittance flow from Canada to developing countries in 2009 was over $12 billion Canadian. Just think about that. There was $5 billion in official development assistance, more or less, and $12 billion in remittances to the developing world, just from Canada.
I think it's interesting to note that according to the most recent available data, two of the top ten countries of origin of recent immigrants, which are therefore likely to be where a lot of the remittances go, are also countries of strategic interest. Ms. Brown referenced the fact that there are 20 strategic-focus countries, and two of them overlap with where remittances are likely going. They are Pakistan and Colombia. We can come back to talk about that.
Finally, and I think most important, total foreign direct investment from Canada to developing economies in 2009 was over $120 billion Canadian. Think about it: ODA is $5 billion; remittances are $12 billion; and foreign direct investment from Canada to developing countries is over $120 billion Canadian. You get a sense of this massive shift. There has been a massive shift.
Let me bring it to the U.S. context. This is a global phenomenon. In the U.S. case, in the 1960s resources from the U.S. to the developing world were approximately 70% ODA and 30% private resources, in various forms--foreign direct investment, remittances, faith-based giving, and charitable giving. That, in essence, has flipped. Today we're talking about 15% of U.S. resources to the developing world being ODA and 85% being foreign direct investment and remittances. If we were to put up a little pie chart for you on Canadian economic engagement and ODA remittances and FDI, you'd get something very similar, as you can see from the numbers I described to you earlier.
ODA is critical. ODA is important. But we have to think about ODA in the context of these much bigger forces going on in the world, and we have to be thinking about how we use ODA in this changed landscape. In other words, development agencies, with official development flows, have become minority shareholders in the business of development.
It's still critical, and ODA can do things that other resource flows can't. So I'm not saying we're privatizing assistance. I'm not saying we should get out of the development business. We need ODA, but we need to think about how we use it in the context of this changed world.
Let me talk about the second shift. The first one is the shift in resource flows. The second is an increased appreciation for the role of private job creation and development. DFID has cited this, and so has the World Bank group. CIDA's analysis found that development is driven by private sector growth, that nine out of ten jobs in the developing world are generated in the private sector. They're not generated in the public sector or the NGO sector.
Many of you are familiar with the Gallup organization. Gallup polled over 100 countries and found that 40% of Africans plan to start a new business in the next 12 months. Why? Here in the north being an entrepreneur is a lifestyle choice. I may go work for Barrick Gold, Scotiabank, or Bell Canada, or I may start my own business. In Africa, you have to start your own business to survive; there aren't big corporations to go into.
So this is significant. I think it should also influence how we think about how we support the private sector, because it's a critical part of the reality in the developing countries. CIDA has recognized this with its shift in priority themes to include sustainable economic growth. Canada is not alone as it shifts resources to support private development and to work more closely with the private sector. For example, at DFID, the British aid agency, one of its three areas of strategic focus is private sector development. They've put a significant emphasis on this. UNDP, the UN agency for development, has looked at a number of interventions along with what they call inclusive business models. They had an initiative for several years about growing inclusive markets. It emphasized the role of the private sector in this growth. So this is not a Canadian phenomenon; it's a global phenomenon.
Canada has much to offer the world. It has free markets married with a successful regulatory regime and careful stewardship of extractive energy resources. Canada is world renowned for managing extractive resources in responsible ways, and this is an important Canadian export that needs to be further embedded in development cooperation. I think about provincial governments that have stewarded their resources very well. This is one of the holy grails of international development.
We talk in development about the extractive curse and how to manage oil revenues. We think about a country like Brazil. They're not going to need any money in the future, but they may need some expertise in managing their resources, and they may get this expertise at the subnational level through provincial governments. I think Canada's going to have a unique role to play. It is a trusted messenger with a great track record. I submit to the committee that this is something you've all thought about, something of great importance in the future.
In respect of governance that has to do with supporting the private sector, managing extractive resources and taxes is part of economic growth, because having a good enabling environment and the rule of law is important. Canada has much to say about this.
Canada's IDRC has made moderate and clever investments in think tanks in Latin America. Many of you may be familiar with a $50-million Canadian program, challenge fund. I think it's brilliant. It's small-dollar. I'm in the think-tank business, so maybe I'm not exactly objective about this, but I think this is an incredible investment. It doesn't have to be huge-dollar. We talk a lot in the development business about policy dialogue and influence. This has been a very important and strategic investment on the part of Canada.
I also think CIDA's sustainable economic growth strategy has the right areas of focus—building economic foundations. In other words, it promotes a business-enabling environment, growing businesses by supporting the capacity and competitiveness of enterprises in developing countries. CIDA calls this investing in people.
So what do these two changes--the shift in resources and the recognition that the private sector is the engine of development--mean for Canada, and specifically CIDA?
First, it's vital that CIDA learn to build partnerships with private sector companies. Public-private partnerships, programs to facilitate them, and investments in private sector growth are not a panacea, but these approaches enable public actors to leverage non-traditional resources to address problems through market-based means. I believe that partnerships with non-state actors, including diasporas, philanthropic and religious groups, and for-profit companies, are a central part of the future of international development.
You recently heard testimony from Teck and the Micronutrient Initiative here in Canada on the global alliance that Canada has with CIDA to provide zinc for children. This is great, and CIDA should seek to build hundreds of partnerships like that, not just one.
At USAID, after ten years of making a concerted effort to build partnerships, the U.S. government now has 900 of them. We embarked on this ten years ago, and we have a long way to go. I just released a report looking at what changes the U.S. government still needs to make. It requires a cultural shift, organizational capacity changes, a small amount of resourcing--how we think about how we spend resources, how people are rewarded. The U.S. government has only made a partial shift. I think for CIDA and other aid agencies it's going to require some significant organizational change to work in a more strategic way with the private sector. Examples like the zinc initiative are the sorts of things CIDA needs to be putting on steroids, if you'll allow me to use that expression.
Just as an example, the top five Canadian mining companies--Barrick, Potash, Goldcorp, Teck, and Kinross Gold--are operating in six of the twenty focus areas and regions of CIDA, which are the Caribbean, Ghana, Honduras, Pakistan, Peru, and Tanzania. I would posit that every time CIDA does a strategic review in any of those six countries, if they're not bringing in the large Canadian mining companies at the very least to have a strategic conversation, it's a mistake and a lost opportunity. They're spending tens of millions of dollars on the social side just on philanthropy, but they're contributing hundreds of millions of dollars locally, either through paying taxes, localizing their supply chains, or supporting local jobs. There are opportunities for CIDA to leverage that, but also to shift it and channel it in ways that are different.
So I think there's a big opportunity, if CIDA and other parts of the Canadian government are thinking...specifically in those six countries at the very least. I would also posit that in Pakistan and Colombia, where there is a significant diaspora here, and other places, thinking about how we leverage these diasporas, there are lots of opportunities for synergies between these other forces for Canada.
Canada needs to develop development finance tools similar to those of the International Finance Corporation and most of the other G-7 nations. The ability to share private risk in complex contexts such as Haiti and Afghanistan will be critical in the future for Canada. These are instruments that are not currently used on a bilateral basis. They provide project finance to for-profit infrastructure projects. They support loan guarantee programs, or even make available the use of grant instruments at CIDA to share risk, especially in some of the more complicated contexts. That is going to be important.
Canada seems to be doing a better job of partnering with the private sector in developing these capacities. They are not alone. This is not just something I'm parachuting out of the blue to say; this is something that's been going on for ten years in the development community.
Second, I think Canada has a huge opportunity to develop some additional instruments and authorities. I don't think you have to develop a new agency to do this or spend huge amounts of additional moneys. There could be some additional authorities that CIDA holds within it. It doesn't have to be something for which you create a whole new bureaucracy.
Canada is uniquely positioned and has the assets and the opportunity to expand prosperity and human freedom. Globalization has meant that the role of the state is diminished, and private actors have increased their influence and ability to affect change. Canada will maximize its ability to effect change to the extent it is able to work more collaboratively with these other forces--often non-traditional forces in the eyes of the traditional development community. To succeed, Canada, through CIDA and perhaps other branches of government, will need to develop new approaches, new processes, and new instruments.
CIDA is just beginning to experiment with partnerships in a small way, as I referenced with the zinc initiative. I would encourage the committee to support the development of a greater public-private partnership capacity, and encourage CIDA to develop what I have described as development finance instruments.
By focusing on economic growth and the policies that support economic growth, supporting development finance instruments and strategic partnerships, Canada can not only advance the well-being of the developing world, but expand its own influence abroad, and its own prosperity.
Thank you very much.