Thank you very much.
I think many of the opportunities to work with companies--I know that CIDA works on issues around food security--are around supply chains. These are reaching to smaller farmers. So to the extent that CIDA, agri-business companies, or extractive industry players are localizing supply chains, this will allow for working with NGOs and local communities, as well as providing modalities by which local communities can benefit from investment. So I think that's one area of great opportunity.
There are many very sophisticated non-profit organizations that work in partnership with companies in local communities. There are organizations like World Vision Canada and the Aga Khan Foundation here in Canada that work with local communities but also have the capacity or appetite to work with the private sector.
Many companies have a number of interests that overlap with development agencies. They're not perfectly aligned, but there's often a good alignment around training people in the developing world to fix computers or use technology in a different way. It's partially a way for them to develop business, but it's also a way for us to plug people into places like Malhi, Ghana, or Haiti into globalization--meeting global standards. So it's in our interest as development professionals to support plugging people into the positive side of globalization. It's important to help people become trained and have the capacity to participate in globalization by meeting global standards. It meets a business interest as well.