Thank you very much.
Thank you for your brief comments.
One of the things I think you pointed out is the need for collaboration and for people to be working together. I think all of us in this room will agree that when you have five, ten, or fifteen different groups working in an area it really does make sense for collaboration to occur. Otherwise, you could all be working at odds with each other.
The other point I think you made is that there is a role for the public sector, government, to play in our international work.
One of the things that is pushing, I would say.... And you must have heard the previous speaker, as well, who mentioned the growing role of the private sector and why there seems to be an imbalance in some ways that we are worried--from our side anyway--could increase the role of the private sector, but decrease the role of the public sector. And this thing is the freezing of our CIDA funding to do our international work.
At the same time, we do recognize that the private sector does play and can play a very effective complementary role to the work done by CIDA and through CIDA.
How do you see CIDA supporting some of the initiatives you have talked about or some of the work that you see us doing abroad? Do you see it as a critical part of our international work?