Would everyone please come back to the table so we can get started?
Welcome back.
I do want to thank Mr. Runde from the Center for Strategic and International Studies for being here today.
Looking at your CV, I know you have spent a lot of time trying to leverage the private sector in terms of international development interests. That's what our study is all about, so I think it makes you a particularly interesting witness. You can talk to us about your experience and what you've seen and what you've actually been able to accomplish.
We will start with your opening comments of about ten minutes, and then we go back and forth between opposition and government to ask some questions and get some answers.
We apologize for not having as much time as we'd like, but we are grateful to have whatever time we have. I'll leave it at that.
Mr. Runde, I'll turn it over to you, sir. The floor is yours.