Thank you very much, Mr. Chair and honourable members.
We are indeed very pleased to be here to offer you some perspectives on the situation in Syria.
Security conditions in that country have deteriorated in recent months, and we are monitoring the situation hour by hour. We will continue to work with like-minded partners in the region and beyond, in pursuit of a peaceful resolution of the crisis.
If the Tunisian revolution was sparked by the self-immolation of a fruit vendor from Sidi Bouzid, you might say that the Syrian uprising erupted from a paint can in the border town of Daraa. There, 15 children were detained and cruelly tortured for painting anti-regime graffiti on March 6 of last year. The aftermath is a story of spiralling violence. The boys' families marched to the governor's house to demand their release, but they were met with live fire.
Protests ensued, and the Assad regime attempted to quell these by force, but the demonstrations only grew and spread to other cities. Calls for calm that fell upon deaf ears returned as demands for freedom, democracy, and eventually the departure of the Assad regime. Assad has attempted to placate the growing opposition movement with a gradual and belated series of concessions. However, the implementation of these measures has been limited, and Syria's security forces have maintained a crackdown that undermines promises of reform.
Last month, the United Nations pegged the death toll at more than 5,400. While the majority of the opposition remain peaceful, this relentless and brutal repression by the regime is provoking an armed insurrection.
Let me be clear that it is not yet, in our view, a civil war. Indeed, the attacks are mainly guerilla-style hit-and-run attacks, in some cases carried out by civilians who have taken up arms in response to the brutality of the regime rather than by the Free Syrian Army's corps of army defectors.
At times the armed opposition has shown itself capable of holding territory, but only temporarily. Defections are on the increase, although they include primarily low-ranking soldiers, as are attacks on regime-controlled targets. Weapons continue to flow into Syria. Violence has spread to more and more cities, including at times the normally calm Syrian capital of Damascus.
Descent into sectarian civil war is not inevitable, but there is a genuine risk if the violence continues to escalate. Given Syria's fragile sectarian balance, its geopolitical position, the regime's support for terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah, and its reported stockpiles of chemical weapons, this would have significant implications for the stability of both Syria and the broader region.
Some analysts suggest that Syria might attempt to ease regional and domestic pressure by using its influence with Hezbollah to provoke a confrontation with Israel. However, both Hezbollah and Israel have repeatedly affirmed that they have no intention of initiating a confrontation. Instability in Syria could have significant implications for other neighbouring countries like Lebanon, where sectarian divisions are considered to be even greater than in Syria.
The gravity of the crisis is keenly felt by Syria's neighbours, who, along with the Syrian people themselves remain central to any solution. Turkey initially attempted to use its influence as an ally and economic partner to engage Syria diplomatically and to encourage reform. However, Turkey has since become frustrated with the intransigence of the regime. Turkey imposed sanctions on Syria on November 30.
The Arab League is currently at the forefront of efforts to resolve the crisis. Minister Baird has applauded its involvement and views it as a key player in any solution.
The Arab League has charted new ground as both an observer and as a peace broker. Its road map for democratic transition in Syria called on the regime to engage in dialogue with the opposition, leading to the formation of a national unity government under the vice-president. Under the Arab League plan, free and fair elections would be held and a new constitution would be submitted to popular referendum.
The strong stance of the Arab League underlines the unprecedented isolation of a country once described by Egyptian President Nasser as the “beating heart of Arabism”. It has also increased Syria's dependence on Iran, which is currently supplying the regime with arms and security personnel as well as oil and economic assistance. Syria has also become increasingly dependent on Russia, which remains a key supplier of arms to the Assad regime and last weekend obstructed efforts at the Security Council to effectively address this crisis.
As Minister Baird has said, Canada was deeply disappointed by the Security Council's paralysis. “History”, he said, “will judge those whose obstruction serves only to prolong this senseless violence.”
However, it is important to stress that no members of the international community are calling for international military intervention at this time.
Throughout the crisis, Canada has been clear: Assad must go. To this end, we have been working in concert with like-minded partners to further isolate his regime, and to increase the pressure on him to step aside and make way for a democratic transition.
On January 25, Canada imposed its fifth round of sanctions on Syria under the Special Economic Measures Act (SEMA). Measures imposed by Canada to date include: a prohibition on dealings with senior members and supporters of the Assad regime; sanctions on the Syrian petroleum sector; a prohibition on imports from Syria; a prohibition on new investment in Syria; and a prohibition on the export to Syria of software and equipment for telecommunications surveillance.
These sanctions are targeted in nature and are not aimed at the people of Syria. Our sanctions and those of our international partners are already starting to bite. They, along with years of economic mismanagement and, now, almost a full year of popular unrest, are edging Syria closer to an economic crisis, which could erode support for the regime among Syria's influential business community.
In addition to our SEMA sanctions, Canada has banned the export to Syria of all goods and technology subject to export controls. This includes arms and munitions, as well as military, nuclear and strategic items intended for use by the Syrian military, police or other state institutions. Any bilateral cooperation agreements and initiatives have been suspended.
The Canadian government has also been engaging the Syrian opposition. Minister Baird has personally met with representatives of the Syrian National Council, one coalition of opposition groups, on multiple occasions, including a high-level delegation last December.
While we are currently extremely limited in our ability to meet opposition members inside Syria without jeopardizing their safety, Canadian officials maintain contacts with opposition members in exile. We have been encouraging the Syrian opposition to refrain from violence, to overcome internal differences and to develop a concrete plan for a post-Assad Syria that respects the rights of all its citizens, including minorities, and that lives in peace with its neighbours.
The government has also taken unprecedented steps to encourage Canadians in Syria to leave the country while commercial means are still available. That continues to be our advice. From December 15 to January 14 Canada undertook a voluntary evacuation, expediting the processing of travel documents for Canadian citizens and of visas for non-citizen dependent spouses and children. More than 470 requests for expedited services were received. During this period, Canadian officials also placed more than 3,400 calls to Canadians in Syria and their families in Canada and responded to more than 1,580 calls from Canadians.
Although Canadian citizens are under no obligation to inform the government of their movements, more than 300 of the Canadians in contact with DFAIT indicated that they had left Syria. There are 1,550 Canadians in Syria registered with ROCA, the registration of Canadians abroad service, though we believe that the actual number of Canadians in Syria is currently fewer than 5,000. Again, we continue to urge all Canadians in Syria to leave immediately while commercial means remain available.
The safety of Canadian embassy personnel continues to be a top priority. The embassy has reduced its staff since the end of the voluntary evacuation and is now operating at core staff levels. The visa and immigration service, previously the regional hub for citizenship and immigration, has been closed, and its services have been transferred to visa offices in neighbouring countries.
Like-minded embassies are also reducing their staff in response to a deteriorating security situation. Some countries have recalled their heads of mission for consultations, but their embassies remain open.
Even with reduced staff, the Canadian embassy also continues to play a valuable role in monitoring local political, economic, and security conditions. There have been suggestions that Canada should withdraw its ambassador from Damascus in light of the failure of the UN Security Council resolution; at this time we do not believe that a recall would add to the strong statements the Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs have made about the situation. We are continuing to monitor the changing situation to ensure that our staff are safe.
Let me not understate it: the situation in Syria is grim, and we are profoundly concerned. The repression of the opposition by the Assad regime is relentless and merciless, and the opposition is increasingly taking up arms in response. In our view, the Arab League transition plan is the best hope for a peaceful solution to the crisis. It deserves our support. It would be an understatement to say that the failure of the Security Council last Saturday in this regard is a disappointment.
We have no illusions. The path ahead for Syrians and Syria's neighbours and the international community will be fraught with challenges; however, we remain committed to maintaining the pressure on the Assad regime and to working with the international community to bring an end to the current crisis.
We would be very happy to answer any questions you may have.