I don't have specifics on the biometrics, but I do know they're very important. We look to UNHCR, which is the responsible partner for the camps, to put in place the mechanisms by which to process people. They have long experience and they've developed protocols over time. As you can imagine, in their estimation the best practice is to try to move people through the system, as you suggest--which is very important--but also to put in place appropriate mechanisms to ensure accountability in the use of funds so that we don't have people registered twice for assistance, and so on. I think they're dealing with a very difficult situation. It is really challenging to try to meet the immediate needs of the people while doing registration.
I don't have the specifics on the biometrics, so unfortunately I can't answer that, but I can look into it. We don't give specific funding to these kinds of programs. We give general, non-earmarked funding to UNHCR with the expectation that they can prioritize those funds and make the responsible choices.