First of all, let me say that I can't guarantee anything. It's up to the people of the country to guarantee it. But I also don't want to leave the impression that I think everything should flow down to, and be part of, an entrepreneurial delivery mechanism. There are other aspects of development that have to be put in place—the rule of law, for example, and educational systems. There are a whole lot of things that need to be done. It's simply that the part of this global task that we specialize in deals with the issues of entrepreneurship, economic growth and development, and rule of law, so that's what I've been focusing on. There certainly are a huge number of other areas that need to be put in place as well.
One of the things I have discovered in my travels around the world, though, is that you often find the same people, the same innovators, who are the leaders of the chamber of commerce and who are also the leaders of the rotary club. The rotary club doesn't have the same mission as the chamber of commerce. It has a different mission. But these community leaders...that spirit of entrepreneurship often does translate over into other areas as well. Almost by definition, if you look at the great philanthropists of the world, they have their roots in entrepreneurship, but they're not necessarily about the business of only doing entrepreneurship. I think the answer has to be that you have to build a community spirit.
I recommend heartily Estanislao's program, the Institute for Solidarity in Asia. He's organized the nurses' association. He organized all kinds of different civil society groups in a framework to set targets for improving their cities, at the city level, and then took it to the national level. These cities have a competition, and he awards a prize to the model city of the year. International groups have won prizes as well.
There are different approaches out there, but it all comes back to trying to find the association. Association doesn't mean simply entrepreneur. There are all kinds of professional societies out there, which can become part of this collective action framework, and can also become part of its mobilization process. But that is the heart of democracy.