Thank you very much.
And thank you, to both of you, for your presentations.
I think all of us realize there is a role for the private sector to play, and you articulated it beautifully when you went on to talk about the corporate responsibilities that businesses have. In my community a few of the banks have gotten together and are doing amazing things with programming for our youth. It's really great to see that, but it's in addition.... It's not education. It's funding a lot of the extra-curricular activities that happen in the community, such as community soccer, community hockey, that kind of thing.
I was interested in something you mentioned, and I'm going to go to Mr. Eaton first, if I may. What really grabbed my attention was when you talked about the role that Canada could be looking at giving more attention to, that we could expand in. You talked about expansion in mining; in other words, supporting the development of small mines near where there might be large mines.
I think that's what you were saying. They are more family run—much, much smaller mines than your big mining companies. When I heard that, the question that came into my mind was whether that is the role of Canadian international cooperation development, or is that a role for international investments and work that mining companies would do or government would be doing with them? It just doesn't seem to be to be the kind of work that would tie in with international cooperation, with the kind of work we do through CIDA and all of those projects.
That intrigued me a bit. Could you expand on that for me?