You do it differently in every single country. If there's one message I can leave, it's that there's no model out there that's going to fit every different environment. You have to design it according to what's going on in the particular country.
In some countries, for example, Pakistan, there is a growing social responsibility movement in the private sector. It's in its early days. We actually helped develop a handbook for responsible business.
There is also the UN Global Compact. They have organized compacts in various countries. You can see which companies tend to sign up and engage in the UN Global Compact. I'm a member of one of the working groups, and I think Georg Kell has done a terrific job of pulling the compact together and bringing that model around the world. But it's principles-based, like the OECD principles of corporate governance or the principles for multinational enterprises. It's not a specific model for a particular situation. So you have to look at the principles and ask how they match up to the local environment.
It also makes a great deal of difference what kind of foreign direct investment you're talking about. I take your point that you're talking about the foreign direct invested companies.
One of the messages that Secretary of State Clinton delivered at Busan, which I think had a pretty profound effect on the audience, was to beware of companies that show up more interested in extracting minerals than developing the country.
Guess who she had in mind?