You did run out of time talking about media freedom, and in any democracy, freedom of the press, access to independent voices, is important. I thought it was interesting when you talked about new media, social media, how many Ukrainians, from your experience as a former journalist, are getting information that way, but social media can also be manipulated. It's often easier to manipulate social media than it would be mainstream media, but I know there's a real concern around the concentration of media, censorship, the fact that media ownership doesn't want to offend those in power. I'm wondering if you have a sense of how Ukrainians are getting accurate, unbiased information. I found the talk show part interesting. Are other independent voices being heard in mainstream media? I'm wondering if you have any suggestions of what Canada could do or Canadian authorities or Canadian civil society, Canadian groups, to engage with partners in Ukraine to perhaps increase or help bring unbiased information to the citizens of Ukraine.