I can speak to that directly for Opportunity Canada.
We acknowledge that risk has increased, because microfinance has evolved and now includes consumer loans and non-microfinance purposes. That increases the risk. Just as in Canada, as you have mentioned, irresponsible borrowing is more likely when a client borrows for consumption or to meet an immediate need.
At Opportunity International we have addressed this issue. We've looked at the client protection policies. We've adopted them. We have our own code of conduct that calls for responsible and affordable products to be delivered to our clients. Accordingly we ensure every client goes through a screening process to ensure loans are indeed being used for enterprise development. If there's credit scoring in the country, we check to make sure the client is not encumbered with other loans, because our mandate is always to ensure we are not overindebting our clients.
We conducted a survey over the last three years, surveying 60,000 clients, and only 5% of those clients had another loan. We police ourselves to ensure that our practices are living up to some of the principles Larry spoke to. We're trying to get better at it constantly all the time. It's continual improvement.