Well, just as a follow-up, you claim that somehow these projects are almost always better for taxpayers. But if these mining companies are among the wealthiest corporate actors in the world, isn't it fair to say that they could fund these projects without taxpayers' help?
I've heard a lot of your discussions, including on the partnership skill sets to be learned. We're not saying that any of these corporations should be stopped from doing international development work. Do it out of the goodness of your heart or because you're already in there taking goods out of the land, as the mining companies are. I was going to use a more colourful term, but I'll stay away from that today.
You're actually going into another country, in the extracting industry, and you're actually taking things that belong to that country and making huge, huge profits from it and then turning around to the taxpayers and saying “Please subsidize us, or work with us in partnership, by giving us some money”. Surely it's the responsibility of those corporations to do the work out of the goodness of their heart. They shouldn't be looking to the taxpayers for handouts.